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Do you like to give high fives? Do you like to have fun and want to impact kids positively? At Stardust, you will make a difference in the lives of children and be a part of something bigger than yourself. We pride ourselves on hiring people with great character and a desire to serve our local families.

So maybe you love children but you don’t really know gymnastics, tumbling or customer service? If you are fun, energetic, dependable, and eager to learn, Stardust is the place for you. We will teach you all the skills, just bring the fun!

Available Positions

We know that everyone at Stardust, from the receptionist greeting students with a smile to the coach that celebrates every small win, makes a difference in the lives of our athletes. We value every person that joins the Stardust team and work with you to make this the career you envision.

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Our Mission ~ The Best Hour of Their Week

Stardust was founded to offer a positive, safe and fun environment for children of varying abilities to not just grow athletically, but also to develop character and emotional strength. While our students love to learn gymnastics, tumbling and the like (and we love to teach them in those areas!), we equally value and cherish the opportunity to develop well- rounded kids who will become positive, contributing members of society, achieving this through our programs.

Our Values

From our front desk staff to each coach in the gym, we're committed to inspiring minds while building muscles with smiles and sweat through the sports and activities we offer at Stardust. What guides our staff are our values and teaching principles. It is our commitment to living according to these values and principles that makes our staff so great.

At Stardust We Value...

1. Respect...To respect each individual unconditionally.

2. Trust...To be trustworthy, trust others & exemplify integrity.

3. Teamwork...To work together as a unit, solving problems through collaboration.

4. Forthrightness...To communicate in an open, objective, straightforward manner: (1) In disagreements, go directly to and only to the person who can solve the problem; (2) Think not of ‘tact’ but of equal parts respect and candor; (3) Seek first to understand the other party’s perspective before sharing your own.

5. Inspire...To pursue perpetual growth through constant innovation and education.

6. Professionalism... To fulfill our roles & responsibilities at the highest level.

7. Balance...To seek balance in work and in life.

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